Symbol Cm Atomic radius: pm - Fusion: kJ/Mole 15.0
Name Curium Ionic radius: pm (+3)97 Boiling point: °C 3100
Atomic number 96 Electron affinity - Melting point: °C 1345
Atomic weight 247.0 1st  ion potential 6.02 Specific Heat Cap: J/(g K) -
Classification Trans metal Natural form Solid Thermal Cond: W/(cm K) -
Configuration [Rn]5f76d17s2 Crystal structure Hex Electrical Cond -
Oxidation states 3 Density 13.5 Abundance: mg/kg-crust Synthetic
Electronegativity - Vaporization: kJ/Mole 387.0    
Curium is undetected in nature, but it was discovered in 1944 at the University of Chicago by Glenn T. Seaborg, Ralph A. James, and Albert Ghiorso in plutonium-239 that had been bombarded by helium ions. Uses -   thermoelectric power, neutron source, was the alpha particle source for the Alpha Proton X-ray Spectrometer on Mars