Symbol Pb Atomic radius: pm 175 Fusion: kJ/Mole 4.77
Name Lead Ionic radius: pm (+2)119 Boiling point: °C 1749
Atomic number 82 Electron affinity 0.36 Melting point: °C 328
Atomic weight 207.2 1st  ion potential 7.42 Specific Heat Cap: J/(g K) 0.13
Classification Other metal Natural form Solid Thermal Cond: W/(cm K) 0.35
Configuration [Xe]4f145d106s2p2 Crystal structure FCC Electrical Cond 0.0481
Oxidation states 2,4 Density 11.3 Abundance: mg/kg-crust 14
Electronegativity 1.8 Vaporization: kJ/Mole 179.5    
Lead was known in ancient times, and the alchemists of old believed it to be the oldest of all metals. Uses - batteries, solder, paints, shielding against radiation, sound absorber, used by the Romans for plumbing