Symbol Md Atomic radius: pm - Fusion: kJ/Mole -
Name Mendelevium Ionic radius: pm - Boiling point: °C -
Atomic number 101 Electron affinity - Melting point: °C 827
Atomic weight 258.0 1st  ion potential 6.58 Specific Heat Cap: J/(g K) -
Classification Trans metal Natural form Solid Thermal Cond: W/(cm K) -
Configuration [Rn]5f137s2 Crystal structure - Electrical Cond -
Oxidation states 2,3 Density - Abundance: mg/kg-crust Synthetic
Electronegativity - Vaporization: kJ/Mole -    
Although mendelevium does not occur in nature, it was discovered in 1955 by Albert Ghiorso, Bernard G. Harvey, Gregory R. Choppin, Stanley G. Thompson, and Glenn T. Seaborg at the University of California in Berkeley as a product resulting from helium-ion bombardment of einsteinium-253. Uses -  no known uses