Symbol N Atomic radius: pm 74 Fusion: kJ/Mole 0.71
Name Nitrogen Ionic radius: pm (+3)16 Boiling point: °C -196
Atomic number 7 Electron affinity Unstable anion Melting point: °C -210
Atomic weight 14.01 1st  ion potential 14.53 Specific Heat Cap: J/(g K) 1.04
Classification Non-metal Natural form Gas(N2) Thermal Cond: W/(cm K) <0.001
Configuration 1s22s2p3 Crystal structure - Electrical Cond -
Oxidation states +/-3,5,4,2 Density 1.25 Abundance: mg/kg-crust 19
Electronegativity 3.04 Vaporization: kJ/Mole 5.57    
Nitrogen was discovered in 1772 by Daniel Rutherford. Uses - production of ammonia (greatest use), fertilizer, refrigerant, cryogenics, forms most of atmosphere