Symbol Uun Atomic radius: pm - Fusion: kJ/Mole -
Name Ununnilium Ionic radius: pm - Boiling point: °C -
Atomic number 110 Electron affinity - Melting point: °C -
Atomic weight 271.0 1st  ion potential - Specific Heat Cap: J/(g K) -
Classification Trans metal Natural form - Thermal Cond: W/(cm K) -
Configuration Synthetic Crystal structure - Electrical Cond -
Oxidation states - Density - Abundance: mg/kg-crust Synthetic
Electronegativity - Vaporization: kJ/Mole -    
Ununnilium was discovered in 1994 by S. Hofmann, V. Ninov, F.P. Hessberger, P. Armbruster, H. Folger, G. Münzenberg, H.J. Schött and others at Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung (GSI) in Darmstadt, Germany.  It was produced by fusing a nickel and a lead atom together. Uses - no known uses