
General Battery Info

Battery Comparison Quick reference chart comparing the major battery types
Charging Primer LTC Article on battery types and charging requirements
Rangone chart Comparison of various energy storage technologies, Watts vs Watt-Hours (Joules)

Li and Li-Ion

Care and feeding General discussion of battery usage
Charging How to charge Li-Ion batteries (Panasonic)
Chemistries Various lithium battery chemistries
Memory Backup Rayovac white paper on Lithium Monofluoride cells, good graph on ESR vs capacity
Overview Overview of Li-Ion batteries (Panasonic)
Precautions 1 General handling precautions (Panasonic)
Precautions 2 General handling precautions (Moltech)
Protection 1 Primer on the over discharge protection provided by a typical protection circuit.
Protection 2 Protection of Li-Ion packs (Panasonic)
Technical Manual General battery info as well as construction


MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet for Ni-Cd batteries
Precautions General handling precautions (Moltech)


Charging Charging basics for Ni-MH batteries (Panasonic)
Multi Cell Packs Construction of multi cell Ni-MH packs  (Panasonic)
Overview 1 Overview of Ni-MH batteries (Panasonic)
Overview 2 Overview of Ni-MH batteries (Moltech)
Precautions 1 General handling precautions (Panasonic)
Precautions 2 General handling precautions (Moltech)

Battery System

Battery Authentication Trends EDN article on the move to secure and authenticate batteries
Battery Safety Motorola presentation on the failure modes of Li-Ion batteries
Counterfeit Batteries Article on the rampant counterfeiting of Li-Ion batteries
Counterfeit Batteries ED Article on the dangers of counterfeit batteries
Fake Batteries EE Times article on Li-Ion battery safety issues
Smart Battery System What is a "Smart Battery System" article from Moltech

Any questions or comments?
 This page last updated on June 26, 2011