STRING Operators
In the following examples,
$a is "abc" and $b is "DEF"

x Multiplication $c=$a x 3;                       # $c is now "abcabcabc"
. Concantation $c=$a . $b;                      # $c is now "abcDEF"
x= Multiply and assign $a x= 3;                         # $a is now "abcabcabc"
.= Concantate and assign $a .= $b;                        # $a is now "abcDEF"
'...' Assign literal $a='This is a test $b';
Print $a;                        # Prints "This is a test $b"

$b='This is a test \n';
Print $b;                        # Prints "This is a test \n"

"..." Assign with embed

Allows embedded variables and escape characters.
$a="This is a test $b";
Print $a;                        # Prints "This is a test DEF"

$b='This is a test \n';
Print $b;                        # Prints "This is a test " + newline character

STRING Relational Operators
eq Equality  
ne Inequality  
gt Greater than  
lt Less than  
ge Greater than or Equal to  
le Less than or Equal to  

Any questions or comments?
 This page last updated on September 04, 2011