II. LCD Library

The LCD library provides routines to drive a Hitachi HD44780 LCD controller.

A typical LCD module configuration uses 3 wires for read/write, register select (command or data), and enable, and either 4 or 8 wires for data transmission.

The module needs to be initialized by a sequence of writes that sets parameters including the width of the data bus. This is accomplished by lcd_init().

lcd_putch() and lcd_getch() are intended to be used as putch() and, less likely, getch() from the stdio library.

Note: requires port.h

Table of Contents
LCD Library Configuration — definitions for the LCD routines
lcd_putch — writes to the LCD panel
lcd_getch — reads from the LCD panel
lcd_gotoXY — moves the insertion point
lcd_init — initialize the LCD display
lcd_send_control — sends a control character to the LCD display
busy_check — waits until the LCD is available