Finding variable information

The #pragma memory RAM directives in the Device Header File describe to the compiler where RAM is available for allocating variables. Several #pragma memory RAM directives are required, because either the RAM is not contiguous, or is accessed in different ways. Variables are placed in the RAM areas starting from the area specified by the first #pragma memory RAM directive.

Use the listing file to determine where the compiler has allocated a variable.

Figure 5-1. determining the variable address var1.lst

                                    #pragma option RAMMAP
0008 0010                           unsigned int arr[16]; /* 0x10 bytes at address 0x008 */

                                    void main(void)
077F                                    unsigned int i; /* allocated at address 0x7ff */

0200 DF 07     LD     S,#007            for(i=0;i<sizeof(arr);i++)
0202 BC 7F 00  LD     077F,#00
0205 DF 07     LD     S,#007                    arr[i]=i;
0207 9D 7F     LD     A,077F
0209 94 08     ADD    A,#008
020B 9C FC     X      A,X
020D 9D 7F     LD     A,077F
020F DF 00     LD     S,#000
0211 B6        X      A,[X]
0212 9F 7F     LD     B,#07F
0214 DF 07     LD     S,#007
0216 A6        X      A,[B]
0217 8A        INCA
0218 A6        X      A,[B]
0219 98 10     LD     A,#010
021B 83        IFGT   A,[B]
021C E8        JP     00205

021D FF        JP     0021D             while(1);


The declaration in the listing file will show the address of the variable in the left column. The symbol table entry will list the address of all global variables. If the RAM usage map is enabled with the #pragma option RAMMAP directive, then the listing file will contain the address, type and scope of all variables.

Figure 5-2. the RAM USAGE MAP var1.lst


0000 __longIX                         signed long         
0002 __longAC                         signed long         
00FE BREG                             unsigned char       
00FC X                                portrw              
00FD SP                               portrw              
00FE B                                portrw              
00FF S                                portrw              
0090 PORTE                            portrw              
0090 PORTED                           portrw              
0091 PORTEC                           portrw              
0092 PORTEP                           portr               
0094 PORTF                            portrw              
0094 PORTFD                           portrw              
0095 PORTFC                           portrw              
0096 PORTFP                           portr               
00A0 PORTA                            portrw              
00A0 PORTAD                           portrw              
00A1 PORTAC                           portrw              
00A2 PORTAP                           portr               
00A4 PORTB                            portrw              
00A4 PORTBD                           portrw              
00A5 PORTBC                           portrw              
00A6 PORTBP                           portr               
00AD TINTA                            portr               
00AE TINTB                            portr               
00AF HSTCR                            portrw              
00D0 PORTL                            portrw              
00D0 PORTLD                           portrw              
00D1 PORTLC                           portrw              
00D2 PORTLP                           portr               
00D4 PORTG                            portrw              
00D4 PORTGD                           portrw              
00D5 PORTGC                           portrw              
00D6 PORTGP                           portr               
00D8 PORTC                            portrw              
00D8 PORTCD                           portrw              
00D9 PORTCC                           portrw              
00DA PORTCP                           portr               
00DC PORTD                            portrw              
00DC PORTDD                           portrw              
00EE CNTRL                            portrw              
00EF PSW                              portrw              
00E8 ICNTRL                           portrw              
00EA TMRLO                            portrw              
00EB TMRHI                            portrw              
00EC T1RALO                           portrw              
00ED T1RAHI                           portrw              
00E6 T1RBLO                           portrw              
00E7 T1RBHI                           portrw              
00C6 T2CNTRL                          portrw              
00C0 TMR2LO                           portrw              
00C1 TMR2HI                           portrw              
00C2 T2RALO                           portrw              
00C3 T2RAHI                           portrw              
00C4 T2RBLO                           portrw              
00C5 T2RBHI                           portrw              
00B6 T3CNTRL                          portrw              
00B0 TMR3LO                           portrw              
00B1 TMR3HI                           portrw              
00B2 T3RALO                           portrw              
00B3 T3RAHI                           portrw              
00B4 T3RBLO                           portrw              
00B5 T3RBHI                           portrw              
00E9 SIOR                             portrw              
00CF ITMR                             portrw              
00CB ENAD                             portrw              
00CD ADRSLTL                          portrw              
00CC ADRSLTH                          portrw              
00A8 ISPAD                            portrw              
00A8 ISPADLO                          portrw              
00A9 ISPADHI                          portrw              
00AA ISPRD                            portrw              
00AB ISPWR                            portrw              
00E1 PGMTIM                           portrw              
00E2 ISPKEY                           portrw              
00B8 TBUF                             portrw              
00B9 RBUF                             portrw              
00BA ENU                              portrw              
00BB ENUR                             portrw              
00BC ENUI                             portrw              
00BD BAUD                             portrw              
00BE PSR                              portrw              
00C7 WDSVR                            portrw              
00C8 LWKEDG                           portrw              
00C9 LWKEN                            portrw              
00CA LWKPND                           portrw              
0008 arr                              unsigned char[16]   
077F i                                unsigned char       0200  021D


The RAM map has four columns. Each line of the RAM usage map contains the variable's address, name and type. If the variable has local scoping, the address range in which the variable is valid is also listed.