
To binary invert (Complement) a variable, use the correct operator...

(~) Is the proper operator to complement a bit, byte etc.
(-) Treats a variable like a signed value, not straight binary.
(!) Treats a variable like a Boolean, 0=false / not 0=true.
INT1 bitv;
CHAR temp;
bitv = ~bitv;    
//proper way to invert a bit
temp = ~temp;    
//proper way to invert a byte, etc

bitv != bitv;
     //a bunch of code that does nothing
bitv = !bitv;
     //this actually will invert bitv
bitv = -bitv;    
//a bunch of code to invert a bit!
temp = temp^255; 
//inverts temp, wastes 1 opcode
temp = -temp;    
//gets the 2's complement (signed)
                  //1 >> (-1) >> 255
temp = !temp;     //if temp was 0, temp is now 0
                  //if temp was >0, temp is now 1
temp != temp;     //a bunch of code that does nothing
Both of these will increment the variable tempxx by one. (The longer one should be fixed after PICC-3.23x?).  Note that these rules apply to decrementing operations as well! CHAR temp;

//This will generate the code:
//    INCF  (temp),f

//This is equivalent to temp++;

//This will generate the code:
//    MOVLW 1
//    ADDWF (temp),f
Prefix and Postfix incrementing.  the position on "++" determines whether tempy is incremented before or after it is used in the wider equation.   Note that these rules apply to decrementing operations as well! CHAR tempx;
CHAR tempy;

tempx= ++tempy + 6;
   //now tempx=12 and tempy=6

tempx= ++tempy + 6;
   //now tempx=11 and tempy=6
Variables in an equation need to be of the same type else results will be unpredictable.  You can force a variable of one type to be treated temporarily like another...  Otherwise, the result will be the size of the smallest operand. CHAR operand8=150;
INT16 operand16;

//operand 16 will be (300 mod 256) or 44
operand16=operand8 * 2; 

//operand 16 will be 300
INT16) operand8 * 2; 
Adding a constant to a variable also requires the correct order of the operators...  The first two examples generate the same size of code in PICC-3.233 (unlike the increment example). CHAR temp=5;

//temp now equals 10
      //temp now equals 15
    //temp now equals  5 (positive 5)

Any questions or comments?
 This page last updated on May 04, 2009